


Welcome to my blog :)

This is a blog about nothing. And at the same time, about everything. I have a very broad 'interest spectrum' and will be writing blogs about (as the blog description reads): whatever's keeping me busy. I watch a lot of films so I might do some reviews here and there; I watch a lot of series so you might get some recommendations from me there as well ;-) (have watched close to 3000 episodes of TV shows in total, and that's not counting the ones from shows that just happened to be on TV; these are episodes of shows I actually actively followed). I have been playing video games since I was little, so the possibility of me writing blogs about that is also very real. I enjoy anime. I am good with computers. Etc., etc. I actually pretty much just listed the things that interest me the most just now, but without trying to sound cocky, I think I know a little about a lot (there are few things I don't at least know something about), and a lot about some things. My blog is meant to be an outlet to share my experiences with things to the world. E.g. I do quite a lot of 'research' about software, because I work with computers a lot (I use the term 'work' loosely). I feel like maybe I could share my findings and by doing that help some people out :)

Who are you?

I'm RainbowxMonkey7, also known as 'Martijn' in the real world. I'm from this little country called The Netherlands, but I will be doing all my blogs in English, because I feel that English is the way to go if you want a blog that will actually get read. ^^' More on me later :D I don't think I myself am terribly interesting anyway; I hope my blogs will be, or at least more so than me :-)

Greets, -RxM7


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