
Monday, April 9, 2012

Backpains :-(

So this is quite annoying; I helped my girlfriend move a while back and since then my back's been hurting like mad! I was kind of staying at her place so I had to move as well -sort of-, and even before the actual move with all the preparations that had to be made my back already started hurting a little bit.

Since the actual move itself however it's gotten much, much worse. I can barely bend over towards my laptop (the way I'm sitting right now) to type without it hurting. It's pretty damn annoying since I've got a lot that needs doing and with my back hurting I really don't feel much like getting all active and stuff and getting around to doing said things. I.e. my room needs cleaning up, but I can't really do anything right now with my back hurting like this... every time I put any remote effort into anything, it starts hurting more and more. If it's like this in my early 20's, how bad will it be when I'm like 50? Omg :'p

I feel like an old man. :')


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