
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Layout worries part deux and stuff

Hiya! Wazzup?

I didn't blog last night, cause frankly I was too annoyed to. I had been spending ages on my layout, and wasn't getting stuff done. I'm by no means a coding whizkid so it takes some time for me to figure stuff out. I mean, I can figure code out by myself most of the time, but I can't write it myself so it's ofc. a bit more difficult for me to change code in a layout to get it the way I want it :'p anywho so I ran into some problems when the old template I was modifying, well.. there was too much wrong with it, truthfully. There was still a lot of stuff I wanted to change to make it into what I wanted it to be and frankly it didn't seem logical to try and do all that when it would probably be easier to just implement all the changes I had made to that template to another template which had some of the same flaws I had already fixed but lacked some of the ones I had yet to conquer. The thing (also) is that the ones I hadn't fixed yet were ones that I probably could've figured out eventually but I don't know, they at least posed a lot more of a challenge than the ones I already had. So I decided to start 'fresh' with a new template.

And then I quickly ran into another problem, when I tried moving the 'posted by x at <time> from bellow the blogpost to right below the title of it... This should be as easy as to hit customize and to edit the blog post gadget, move some stuff around, but it wasn't - not even close. So okay, for some reason it eventually unbugged and showed up right below the title. But ofc. the fun didn't end there :P the end of the 'posted by x' overlapped with the 'at <time>' bit. For no apparent reason! Seriously. I tried virtually eeeverything to fix this, but it's hard trying to fix something that random. The code seemed fine - I even compared it to the one on my previous template, where the text was below the title as well and displayed correctly. Nothing. Identical. I can't really be bothered trying to recall all the other things I tried, but it didn't work. In the end I was forced to add padding to have it display correctly, can you believe that? Oh well.

I did some other work on the layout just now, but I'm kinda tired of working on it (as I'm sure you can imagine given the struggle I went through to get this far, lol), so I'm gonna take a break until tomorrow evening when I can perhaps do some more work.

On a more fun note, I had my girlfriend over today and we watched (half of) the movie 'Se7en', with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. 'Twas fun :)

