
Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Hunger Games


Thought I'd write a little blog about last night, when I, together with my girlfriend, went to the movies to go see 'The Hunger Games'. 'Twas a fun movie, definitely one of the better ones I've seen in the past couple of years, and I certainly hope the next one comes out soon (for those of you that aren't in the loop: the hunger games is based on a book, part of a trilogy of books. so there :P). It lasted quite long so it was close to 1AM when we got out of the theater, but it was worth it and I actually never really felt like it was dragging on anyway; it kept me involved and entertained throughout.

Few points of criticism: I felt like the romance between Katniss (Ridiculous name by the way, always makes me think of catnip. or whatever. Anyone? No? Okay probably just me then :P) and the guy, Peeta, never really felt genuine at all, it was like she didn't really seem to like him at all and then suddenly she kissed him and was like close with him? I mean I get that the point of it was that she just wasn't sure about what she felt for him yet but idno, felt like they could've done better with that. And err, the camera-work for the fightscenes was pretty horrible. Shakey and shit. Reminded me of Quantum of Solace. And that movie sucked a LOT. But as my girlfriend pointed out they might've done that to keep it at a rating of 12+ instead of shooting it differently and getting a 'higher' rating because of the violent stuff being more graphical. Idno. Annoys me when they shoot fightscenes like that though. I mean, there's a fine line when shooting fightscenes that way. Don't cross it. Crossing it is shooting it in a way where you can barely tell what's happening. Don't do that please.

Anyway, that's about it. Seems like I'm bashing the movie quite hard now that I look at it, but I guess I'm just spoiled. Seen so many movies, I have the feeling nowadays I can't enjoy them as much as when I was a bit younger. I feel like because I know what a really good movie should be like, I compare all movies to that standard and am pretty much always at least a little disappointed. Oh well :-) You should definitely go see The Hunger Games though! DO IT!!!



edit: Oh and yeah, I know that at first the romance between them was just staged to begin with. BUT. It seemed like at some point she did start to actually develop some feelings for him. Or was she just being nice, to comfort him? If she wasn't just being nice (I personally didn't think she was) then where did those feelings come from all of a sudden? From him giving her bread once, ages ago?

edit2: So my girlfriend told me that in the book it's told as that she doesn't have any actual feelings for him. So she was actually just being nice then, I guess.


  1. Nope, ik dacht bij Katniss ook aan catnip. Over die relatie dacht ik "ah, sequels", net als bij de opstand in het negerdistrict. Ik vond dat de nadruk wel wat sterker op hun individuele skills had mogen liggen en het voelde erg aan als een film voor meisjes van 14: braaf en veel gewauwel over of het "aan" was of niet. Ik wist dan ook niet dat het 12+ was, dus dat zal het zijn. Vermakelijke film, ik ga ook wel naar de volgende delen, maar dawast.
