
Monday, April 9, 2012

Hiya! First blog

Hello everyone! I'm new to the blogosphere(?) :P My name is RainbowMonkey7, or RainbowxMonkey7 :)

I plan on blogging about whatever is on my mind, whatever I'm busy with; just whatever really. Random stuff. I might blog about super smash brothers, a game I enjoy playing a lot. I might blog about rooting a HTC Legend; something I did recently which had a bit of a learning curve. Maybe I could help other people going through the same thing? Oh well ^^; We'll see =))

I hope to meet some interesting people on here, and I hope they will also find me interesting ;P well, interesting enough to read my stuff anyway :D English isn't my first language btw, so if I sometimes seem a bit off it's most likely that :-)

Not exactly sure how to finish this up, so I'll just say goodbye and until my next blogpost! :)


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